Some basic antenna engineering questions are listed below. The reader is encouraged to read more on each topic. Interviewers can easily examine the depth of your knowledge by digging more into each of these questions.
Q1: What is Smith chart?
Q2: Locate Open, Short, and Load points on a Smith chart?
Q3: How could you match an arbitrary impedance to 50 ohms using Smith chart? (Using transmission line only)
Q4: How could you match an arbitrary impedance to 50 ohms using Smith chart? (Using L and C components)
Q5: How do you match a 100 ohm load to 50 ohm source using a transmission line? Draw the conversion on Smith chart.
Q6: What are the constant Gamma circles on a Smith chart?
Q7: What are the constant Quality factor curves on a Smith chart?
Q8: Why is the S11 curve rotate clockwise with increase of frequency on a Smith chart?
Q9: Why is the S11 curve rotate clockwise with increase of frequency on a Smith chart?
Q10: What are gain and directivity and what is their difference?
Q11: What is antenna efficiency?
Q12: Do you need a standard Gain antenna in the lab to measure directivity of an Antenna under test? Why?
Q13: How would you measure the loss of a cable with a one port VNA?
Q14: Differences between a short and half wavelength dipole antennas?
Q15: What is the Chu limit?
Q16: What does it mean to say an antenna is self-matched?
Q17: What is an IFA antenna?
Q18: What is a PIFA antenna?
Q19: What happens if you put a dipole antenna horizontally next to a ground plane?
Q20: What is the gain of a monopole antenna?
Q21: What is the effect of temperature on permittivity? Why?